Finance/Administrative Manager

Finance/Administrative Manager

Colorado Urban Builders is looking for someone who wants to work full-time in a fast-paced office involved in interesting real estate projects.  Learn more about us at WWW.COUBLLC.COM

What makes CoUB Unique?

  • Colorado Urban Builders is a small construction and construction management company involved with a variety of residential and commercial projects in Denver.
  • You decide your future. There is unlimited opportunity for growth and learning.
  • Positive, creative energy abounds!  We are constantly pushing the boundaries, exploring big ideas, and pursuing growth.
  • Respect and appreciation for your unique abilities. We care more about who you are and what you can bring than your background. Some of our most talented colleagues have no college background.  If you’ve got what it takes, we want to hear from you!
  • Mentorship from industry leaders.
  • Flexible schedule

What makes you unique?

  1. You have an entrepreneurial spirit and actively seek out change. You embrace critical questioning, innovation, and continuous improvement.
  2. Responsibility excites you.  You thrive in an environment where your contributions have a direct impact on our success.
  3. You are the most detail oriented person you know.  As a construction / construction management company, details make or break us.  Mistakes happen but with you as the hub of our company activities, they are few and far between.
  4. You are hyper-organized.  Disorganization frustrates you and when encountered you take the initiative to improve the process.
  5. Execution.  We don’t think twice about having you at the helm of our day-to-day operations because we know you get it done — and get it done well.
  6. Fast learner! You grasp new concepts quickly.
  7. Resourcefulness.  You have a knack for finding the answer.  We are all about collaboration, but we also respect each other’s time too much to ask questions that can be answered with resourcefulness.  Is a project manager asking a question you don’t know the answer to?  Work with them to come up with an answer! Have you been tasked with implementing things on Sage and don’t even know where to start? Google, it!  It’s absolutely ok to not know an answer but you get satisfaction solving challenges on your own.
  8. Good with numbers.  You don’t need to be a mathematician but a basic intuition with numbers is critical.  You will be running our finances after all!
  9. Communication. Clients love that you are responsive, friendly, and concise in your responses.  Your colleagues love that you are direct, articulate, and keep us all aligned.
  10. This is more than a job to you. When you think about your role at CoUB, it brings a sense of personal satisfaction and purpose.
  11. You’re in this for the long haul.  To you, this is not a short-term arrangement.  For the right fit, we can accommodate your goals.


  • Drafting of contracts with Project managers scope letter
  • Management of subs insurance certs
    • GL and workers comp
  • Invoicing:
    • Processing invoices from subs
      • Inputting into Sage
      • Getting lien releases
      • Cutting checks and sending out
    • Processing Pay apps based on input from project manager
      • Sending out lien release with pay app
    • Tax prep
    • Managing all of the company’s entities
    • Managing office
      • Payroll
        • Working with Paychex for payroll
      • Office supplies
      • Company’s insurance
        • Gl Insurance
        • Workers comp insurance
        • Health insurance
        • Insurance audits
      • Update our website
  • Assist with many other projects
  • Share your ideas for improvement


As mentioned above, we care more about what you can do than your background.  If you feel you can ROCK in this role, we want to hear from you!

How to apply
For now, we don’t need a resume.  We want to learn about what makes you uniquely YOU! Please answer the questions below in detail and email to :

Use the subject line:  Building my dream

  1. There are 11 items under the “What makes you unique” section.  Rank them in order of relevance to your personality — with 1 being the most relevant.  For example, are you the most resourceful you know but numbers aren’t your shining quality.  Resourcefulness would be #1 and numbers would be #11 for you.  Be sure to rank all 11 items!
  2. Tell us about your current situation, your background, and what you are looking for.
  3. What excites you most about this position?
  4. CoUB believes in helping each other thrive.  Tell us your top three areas of weakness in detail.  Explain each weakness and provide an example on how it has impacted your job in the past.  Be honest!  This is not a trick question — transparency is important to us.  We don’t expect you to be perfect — we expect you to be real and to face challenging questions like this head on.
  5. What is your desired pay range? This question will not disqualify you! Our goal here is to understand your expectation so we can work together on a career plan that meets your needs.
  6. What questions do you have for us?  This is a two-way street and the perfect candidate for us needs to also feel we are the perfect candidate for them.